In orthopedics and traumatology, the Plasmabiotech method triggers the regenerative processes in all joint tissues at the same time (joint surfaces, synovial fluid, capsular ligaments, bone, muscle and cartilage tissue) due to platelet growth factors. Autologous platelet-rich plasma injections help inhibit inflammation and improve nutrition and tissue repair, by oxygenation. The Plasmabiotech method triggers the accelerated restoration of the musculoskeletal system, reduces rehabilitation periods after injuries and surgery, and thus restores the patient’s freedom of movement without pain.
In combination with other therapies, it allows the reduction of the amount of medication administered or the complete elimination of it, minimizing the toxic effects associated with its prolonged usage. In addition, autologous plasma therapy reduces the treatment time by half.
In orthopedics and traumatology, the Plasmabiotech method involves injecting platelet-rich plasma into the coxofemoral, knee, radiocarp, elbow, shoulder and tibiotasial joint. The standard needle for intramuscular injections is usually used. For the coxofemoral joint, especially if the patient has excessive weight, needles of 8 – 10 cm must be used. After completion of the procedure, an aseptic bandage is applied.
Autologous plasma injections contribute to the reduction of the inflammatory processes, the elimination of pain, and the restoration of the joint motion amplitude.
The results of the MRI of a patient with pattelar tendinopathy.
Affections | Results | Treatments |
Arthrosis | Reduction of pain, restoration of synovial fluid, increased joint mobility, longer remission periods, reduces rehabilitation period after using prosthetics | Course of 2 – 8 procedures, with an interval of 7 – 14 days |
Periarthritis | Rapid relief of pain, reduction of inflammation, increased joint mobility | Course of 2 – 6 procedures, with an interval of 7 – 14 days |
Tendon and ligament tears and injuruies | Accelerated recovery of injured tissues, stronger musculoskeletal tissues | Course of 2 – 6 procedures, with an interval of 7 – 14 days |
Acute injury of muscle and bone tissue | Stimulation of bone and cartilaginous tissue formation, shorter rehabilitation period after injuries and surgeries | Course of 4 – 8 procedures, with an interval of 7 – 14 days |
Tendinopathies | Accelerated tissue regeneration, rapid pain relief, restoration of mobility in the extremities | Course of 3 – 8 procedures, with an interval of 7 – 14 days |
Spinal osteochondrosis | Rapid pain relief, elimination of muscle spasms | Course of 3 – 8 procedures, with an interval of 7 – 14 days |
The result was achieved in the course of a complex therapy.